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Coming Soon
Maxvac reached out to us for a brand refresh as they embarked on a new chapter. Having made significant strides during the COVID-19 pandemic by supplying the NHS with leading air purifiers, Maxvac now aims to elevate their brand awareness and prepare for the promising future ahead.
Maxvac reached out to us for a brand refresh as they embarked on a new chapter. Having made significant strides during the COVID-19 pandemic by supplying the NHS with leading air purifiers, Maxvac now aims to elevate their brand awareness and prepare for the promising future ahead.
Maxvac reached out to us for a brand refresh as they embarked on a new chapter. Having made significant strides during the COVID-19 pandemic by supplying the NHS with leading air purifiers, Maxvac now aims to elevate their brand awareness and prepare for the promising future ahead.

The client's goal was to create a brand identity that would resonate with environmentally conscious consumers and help position their business as a leader in sustainable practices. Objectives included increasing brand awareness and driving customer engagement.

Our approach was to create a brand identity that communicated Green Wave's values of sustainability, innovation, and authenticity. We developed a brand strategy that focused on creating a unique and memorable visual identity that would differentiate the brand from its competitors.

Brand Idenity



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